All riders must be at least 7 years old.
Fully clothed, a female rider's Body Mass Index (BMI) may not exceed 32 and the BMI for a male rider may not exceed 34. In addition to the BMI restrictions, a rider's overall weight may not exceed 250 lbs. A person's overall weight AND their height to weight ratio directly affects their ability to safely ride a horse in mountainous terrain. Check your BMI by clicking here.
All trips are subject to extreme weather/environment cancellations.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Because of our remote location, and especially in the busy part of our operating season, please allow 72 hours for return correspondence and plan your reservations accordingly.
Physical Address:
7386 SR Hwy 108
Bridgeport, California
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 7
Coleville, CA 96107
Expect summer road construction in our area with possible 20 min delays. Please check with CalTrans for up to date road information and plan your drive accordingly!
Check online:
CalTrans QuickMap
Call CalTrans road information hotline: